Venturing into the heart of La Axarquía, one stumbles upon a quaint town of just over 400 inhabitants, Macharaviaya. This charming locale is akin to a time capsule, transporting visitors back to the 18th century, its visage remaining largely untouched since then. The labyrinthine streets, reminiscent of an Arabic settlement, coupled with the cobbled paving, have captivated the hearts of many a visitor. So much so, that it has become a haven for artists and romantics, many of whom have chosen to make this their home.
Nestled amidst nature, the town is cradled by the streams of Macharaviaya and Fuente Horno. The landscape is dotted with steep cliffs and, in more accessible areas, vine plantations thrive. These vineyards form the backbone of the town’s agricultural and economic activity, further adding to the allure of Macharaviaya.
Founded in 1572, its name is derived from ‘Machar Ibn Yahha’, translating to ‘farmstead of the son of Yahha’.
The village saw a significant boom in the 18th century, thanks to the influential Gálvez family. They established the Royal Playing Card Factory and an agricultural bank, which bolstered the local economy and earned it the nickname ‘the little Madrid’.
Despite subsequent decline, Macharaviaya has resurfaced as a haven for artists and a residential tourist destination. Its history, charm, and natural beauty make it a fascinating destination for any traveller. Come and discover the magic of Macharaviaya!
Macharaviaya is a village brimming with history and charm, with several points of interest that are worth visiting.
The Church of San Jacinto
Built in 1505, The Church of San Jacinto is one of the most representative monuments of the village. This historic church is a testament to Macharaviaya’s rich history and a point of interest for visitors.
The Playing Card Factory
The Playing Card Factory is another notable point of interest. At its peak, the factory held the sales monopoly of playing cards in America and produced 30,000 packs per year. Although it’s no longer in operation, the factory serves as a reminder of Macharaviaya’s prosperous past.
The House of Salvador Rueda
Two kilometres from the town centre is the house where the poet Salvador Rueda was born. This place pays homage to one of Macharaviaya’s most famous sons and is a point of interest for literature lovers.
The Gálvez Museum
Of course, we can’t forget The Gálvez Museum. This museum, inaugurated in 2005, is dedicated to the history of the Villa and the Gálvez family, who are closely linked to Macharaviaya. The museum is located on the avenue of the Gálvez and is a newly constructed building that has represented a significant effort for a village of Macharaviaya’s characteristics.
The museum is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 am to 2 pm, and on Saturdays and Sundays from 11 am to 3 pm. Groups are also admitted for any day of the week by prior appointment.
At the museum, visitors can learn about the history of the Gálvez family and Macharaviaya through audiovisuals, panels, and objects. It’s an essential place for any visitor who wants to immerse themselves in the rich history of this charming village.
Hiking and Nature in Macharaviaya
Absolutely! Macharaviaya is a wonderful destination for nature lovers and hiking enthusiasts. Here are some options that might interest you:
Hiking Trails
Hiking in Macharaviaya is one of the best ways to enjoy its landscapes. There are several hiking trails you can explore, each offering spectacular views and the opportunity to immerse yourself in the tranquillity of the rural setting. Some of the most popular routes include the “Camino de Macharaviaya”, offering beautiful views amongst olive trees, and the “Macharaviaya-Benaque” route, a circular tour with stunning views.
You can explore the trails and routes around the village, discovering spectacular landscapes and enjoying the tranquillity of the rural setting.
As you mentioned earlier, Macharaviaya is also known for its vineyards. This provides a unique opportunity to learn about local viticulture and, of course, taste some local wines.
So, whether you enjoy hiking, nature, or simply relishing the tranquillity of a rural setting, Macharaviaya has something to offer. Enjoy your visit!
Fairs and Festivities
In the heart of summer, Macharaviaya comes alive with its main festivities, celebrated in August. These festivities coincide with the feast day of its Patron Saint, San Bernardo, infusing the town with a vibrant, festive spirit.
The celebrations are a grand affair, marked by a rich tapestry of traditions, music, dance, and gastronomic delights.
Gastronomic Delights
One of the highlights of these festivities is the opportunity to savour the typical dishes of Macharaviaya. The local cuisine is a delightful blend of tradition and flavour, offering a culinary journey for the taste buds.
- “Los Maimones”: A traditional dish that is a must-try for any food lover.
- “El Gazpachuelo”: A delicious soup that is a staple of the local cuisine.
- Grapes in Brandy: A unique delicacy that combines the sweetness of grapes with the warmth of brandy.
How to Get to Macharaviaya
Remember that if you need to get by car from Malaga to Macharaviaya you can rent a car in Malaga with us. Getting to Macharaviaya from Malaga Airport by car is straightforward. Here are the step-by-step directions:
- Start from Malaga Airport. Take Av. del Comandante García Morato and N-348 towards MA-23. (1 min, 500 m)
- Drive from Autovía de Circunvalación de Málaga and A-7 to Rincón de la Victoria. Take exit 967 from A-7. (22 min, 32.1 km)
- Continue on MA-3201 to your destination in Macharaviaya. (13 min, 7.6 km)